Shraddha Kapoor sets the internet on fire when she wears a white and pastel pink suit and pairs it with a dupatta. Images went viral as she gifted herself a brand-new model of Lamborghini Huracan Tecnica worth Rs. 4.04 crore.
On the occasion of Dussehra, the famous actress Bollywood Shraddha Kapoor, gifted herself a brand-new model of Lamborghini Huracan Tecnica worth Rs. 4.04 crore.
Just after she buys the Lamborghini Huracan Tecnica, her images with the sportscar set the internet on fire, and she wears a white and pastel pink suit and paired it with a dupatta.
Shraddha was spotted talking to paparazzi; they complimented her on the Lamborghini Huracan Tecnica being great. Shraddha replied, “Gaadi nahi rath hai ye mera. (It’s not a car, it’s my chariot).”.
The brand-new model of Lamborghini Huracan Tecnica launched in India the previous year was famous for increased power compared to the standard EVO model.
The Huracan Tunica improved performance on both regular roads and the track.
Besides this, if you want to know the best model of Lamborghini, then Among all Lamborghini Huracan Evo models, AWD is the best one to take than of the Lamborghini Huracan Evo.
But Shraddha loves Lamborghini Huracan Tecnica; on interaction with media, Shraddha replied, “Gaadi nahi rath hai ye mera. (It’s not a car, it’s my chariot).”.
The famous actress Shraddha Kapoor was born on 3 March 1989 to Shakti Kapoor and actress Shivangi Kapoor.
Shraddha Kapoor Movies
He debuted in Bollywood in 2010 with the movie Teen Patti (2010), and after that, Luv Ka The End (2011).
After that, she gained so much popularity through her character as Arohi Keshav Shirke in the 2013 romantic musical Aashiqui 2, which emerged as her first commercial success
- Ek Villain (2014),
- Haider (2014),
- Baaghi (2016) and
- Rock On 2 (2016).
- ‘Ok, Jaanu’,
- ‘Half Girlfriend’
- ‘Haseena Parkar’
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Ashish is a follower of Bollywood, he reads about Bollywood from different sources. He loves to share movie reviews, the latest news, and other trending topics related to Bollywood. You can check all his latest articles here on HBO Defined.