Guntur Kaaram is an upcoming movie by superstar Mahesh Babu. Recently a song named Dum Masala was released in lyrical form on YouTube.
In this song, they include only images and subtitles of the song. You will find only music, lyrics, and introductory images of the movie.
Superstar Mahesh Babu looks stunning in the Dum Masala song. He is looking absolutely fearless actor. The song crosses 20 million views in just 30 hours and trending number 1 on YouTube.
Thaman S gave the music for the Dum Masala song, the singers of the song are Sanjith Hegde & Jyoti Nooran, and the lyrics were written by ‘Saraswati Putra’ Ramajogayya Sastry.
Thaman S is known as the big name in the music industry of South Indian cinema. He composed many songs for superhit movies.
Thaman S is going to compose other Guntu Kaaram movie songs and songs will be released one by one on YouTube.
Dum Masala Song from Guntur Kaaram
Venkatesh Naidu has a deep knowledge of South Indian cinema. He loves to share movie reviews, the latest news, and other trending topics related to South Indian cinema. You can check all his latest articles here on HBO Defined.